Phone number: +48 77 40 33 645 - 648


Investment sites Opolskie Region


  • 1 090 000 Inhabitants
  • 9 412 km2 Area
  • >5 000 ha Available investment sites
  • 65% Society in production age

For Investors

Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre (COIE) in Opole is an official partner of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency S.A.

It is the first line of contact for both the entrepreneurs who are interested in investing in the region as well as those who are willing to start operating abroad. COIE has the largest base of attractive investment sites in the Opole Region and an extensive portfolio of investment property.

Business support zone



Centrum Obsługi Inwestora i Eksportera
Opolskie Centrum Rozwoju Gospodarki

45-075 Opole ul. Krakowska 38

Business hours
Monday - Friday: 7:30 - 15:30

tel. +48 77 40 33 645 - 648